Saturday, September 6, 2014


Next WAYLE design is Kachalot. Based on Chachalot - aka Sperm Whale.

Sperm whale's head shape was the main inspiration for Kachalot's design. Second picture is the line sketch, the egg shaped helmet type design is pretty common so I tried to make it different. Sperm whale's head is actually rectangular like from the front view so I made it some what edgy.

As for the color choice, I really like Orka's black/white/blue scheme, but I didn't want to use it again and get them confused. One day at work I saw a black/gray/orange tapeholder and I really liked it, so I decided to go with that scheme.The helmet portion was originally white, but I really like dark color so I made it black grayish. 

This picture also has a little more hardware details than Orka. Orka only had the head portion made, the rest was paintbashed using the helmet. For this one, the head, neck and chest plate were made, so some of the parts were photobashed and paint bashed. It was a first for me so it took awhile, but I like the result and I will do more so I can become proficient with it.

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