Friday, December 23, 2016


First time sculpting skeleton. The skull is probably the easiest.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Vehicle thumbnails

Currently taking some brainstorm and CDA classes. 

I realized that I should learn how to draw more than just use the softwares.

Below are the vehicle thumbs for the CDA class. Never designed vehicles before so this was a good start to learn something new.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Recently moved to Pasadena CA. Going to study here for a year.

I admit I wasn't being very productive. I have been working on and off on this model for the past 6 months. First fullbody attempt. Each of the wip here are about...1-2 month apart.

As far as the model goes, I don't want to go crazy with the details. Just want to learn the process and see how well I can do. I really want clean and nice geometry, so this will definitely put my basic modeling skills to test.

This is an original character for a story. An Angel named Credo.

Monday, April 18, 2016


I was busing with a contest and didn't have a chance to work on my own concept work.

This WAYLE is Misticetus, inspired by bowhead whales. I hope for the next mech I can just use the render instead of having to composite it in photoshop.

Might retopo this and learn to texture it in substance painter.